
Membership and Information

Croquet requires tactical as well as physical ability and can be played by the competitive as well as the social participant.

If you are interested in coming along to see what the game is all about contact us.



Fees for 2024-25 season – commencing on 1 May 2024


Full Membership - Subscription is $380 per annum

This entitles the member to play on all club days, at other times of their choice and to play in inter-club and other tournaments.   We encourage members to attend and vote at the AGM, and any SGMs that may be announced.  As an active and sociable club we also encourage members to become involved at events, in the Clubhouse, helping to care for the grounds and gardens or the many other areas that depend on individuals - to ensure that NSCC retains its reputation as a smoothly functioning well-run organisation. 


Click HERE to see the Club Calendar


Associate Membership: Subscription $150 p.a.

Full members of other affiliated Croquet Clubs may become an Associate member, able to play on any club day or by invitation.


Joining Fee

The one-off Joining Fee for new members (with little or no previous experience) is $127.50 which includes all basic *coaching modules, supervised practise games, clubhouse key, name badge, Golf Croquet Rule Book and new member levy.  NSCC Committee regards coaching as an essential part of learning how to play well and develop confidence - which is why we confirm membership on completion of these initial sessions.

Annual Subscription Fees will be invoiced on a pro rata basis once your application is approved

We have two CNZ qualified Coaches and one member in the process of training to become a coach.


Junior Players

We welcome Junior players (14 to 18) and those in tertiary education.

Annual Membership Fee $50


Limited Membership

$110 (discretionary decision by NSCC Committee)


Green Fees - Guest Players

Guest Players are warmly invited to the club – accompanied by a full member.  Green fees are $10 pp for each visit, reducing to $5 if a full member of another Croquet Club (worldwide)



$10 per session (1st and 3rd Wednesdays 5.30-9.30pm from October to March)

Twilight is open to members and non-members, as a mainly social occasion preceded by a game of Croquet.  Full members pay $5 per session.


Click here to see the Members tool kit

Please click here and complete the  MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM

NSCC Memberships

Full Membership

Full Membership - Subscription is $380 per annum


This entitles the member to play on all club days, at times of their choice, to play in inter-club tournaments, to have a vote at AGMs and to have a say on all subjects. Although not mandatory, club members are expected to share in the maintenance of the grounds and club house, and fundraising activities as they arise. Sometimes these activities seem and are a chore; at other times they are what make a club a cohesive and smoothly functioning organization. 

Social Membership

Green Fees - Guest Players

$10 pp for each visit, reducing to $5 if a full member of another Croquet Club (worldwide) 


$10 per session (1st and 3rd Wednesdays 5.30-9.30pm from October to March

Twilight is open to members and non-members, as a mainly social occasion preceded by a game of Croquet.  Full members pay $5 per session.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership: $150 p.a.

- must be a member of another croquet club, can play on any club day, cannot play inter-club and has no voting rights